Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Dad

Okay so my dad is a very funny guy. Hes one of those people who have a lot to tell about their past. When he was little he was the devil's child, always getting in trouble. All through his 18 years he was like that.
Once he shot a girl in his class with a rubber band and staple. The worst part was that shes my friends MOM! Not so good for our friendship.
Then there was the time when he was out with his friends, running the neighborhood, just trying to get home from where ever they were. So when they had to just go around the block to get to his friends house, this cop showed up. He asked them all their names. But when he got to my dads one friend, who's name was John Smith, the cop didn't believe it was really his name, so while my dad and all his friends kept saying it was his name, trying to convince the cop, the cop and John rode around the block to his house. My dad and his friends just cut threw the yards, getting to the yard before the cop could get there. They all really wanted the see the cop get told by the mom that John Smith really was his name. So when John's mom came out and told the cop his name was really John Smith, the cop left to My dad and his friends telling the cop over and over, "I told ya do, I told ya so!" And my dad told me and my sister this in the car ride home from Home Depot. What fun times!
Another time was when he climbed up to the roof of his elemenrty school from a door way. As in climbed up a door way and onto the roof. So when someone caught him up on the roof he tried to climb down and slipped, just choosing on jumping off and bent his toes to his heels and had to run/limp to his friends house who lived close. He told me this after my sister's concert. We had to leave early cause it was so claustrophobic in there.
Once when my dad was 14 on Halloween he was hanging out with an older group of kids. They were walking past this house that had a huge pumpkin on the porch. So the group ahead of him took the pumpkin and threw it off the porch. So my dad picks it up off the ground and was going to right hook it back on the porch, but instead ends up throwing threw the storm door and there was little kids getting ready to go trick-or-treating. It was intentional, but he had to pay the man 20 bucks and apologize.
So that's my dad. He has custody of me and my sister and hes, like, the best dad ever.
Hope you enjoyed that little piece of history.

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