Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Train Your Dragon

How To Train Your Dragon was made to be a kids movie but honestly? It ended up being a great movie for every age group. Even me, a teenager, found this movie amazing. i even went back to see it.

I loved Hiccup's character. I found myself saying in my head every time he either rode the dragon or pretty much talked, "thats sexy". Now I know that sounds strange and kinda creepy but thats my opinion. To me thats the kinda ideal guy i always wanted. But maybe without all the dragons.
Well maybe with the dragons. The way Toothless was at first encouredge the evil "Night Furry" image I had in mind but he ended up being a really, really adorable kind of dog like creature. When I went to see it the second time my friends Ashley and Molly fell in love with Toothless. But me? I fell in love with Hiccup.
The only reason the really went to see the movie cause I knew Craig Ferguson was in it. He played Gobber, Hiccups teacher. I never really liked animated movies all that much and I didnt really think I'd like the movie. But near the very end i turned to my grandmother and swhispered to her, "this is by far, my new favorite movie." She didn't disagree.
So that was the first time i saw it. I loved it so much i went to seei t a second time.
I had a sleep over at my friend Ashley's with me, Molly, and her. We were going to go to the mall and the movies but Molly had a dentist appointment so we could only do one. They wanted to go to the mall but i kept telling them we should see the movie. So i fianlly convinced them and told them they wouldnt regret it.
They didnt.
Half way threrw the movie Molly turned to me and said, "I can see why you love him." And by they end they wanted to see it again. I dont blame them.
When we got out in the loby we found one of the signs that advertizes the movie and took a billion pictures.
So if your gonna see a movie this weekend go see How To Train Your Dragon. Trust me, you wont regret it.

Molly really loves Toothless.

Told you ashley loves Toothless